Sunday, September 1, 2013

First Official Week of Wellington Florida Homeschool for our 34th Year of Homeschool!

Kick-Off for the first week of Wellington Florida Homeschool for the year 2013-2014! 

Last week was our first complete week of homeschool for the new school year. We homeschool all year round but each year around the time the other kids go back to public and private school, we create a new adventure or two with our homeschool journey.

This year we were very excited that 3 other families in our church started to homeschool. Now there are about 5 families in our ward that homeschool.

Three of the families have sons close to our son's age so we know this is going to be a fun year!

We started a co-op with one of the families and Monday was our first day working together. Boy, it was FUN!!! 

I am SO excited to be teaching Ancient History and Cultures. We are using Mystery of History Volume 1- The Creation to the Resurrection. I LOVE this curriculum. This is the best Christian worldview curriculum that I have found. I have a veteran homeschooling mom of 34 years so I have witnessed and tried many curriculum throughout the years.

We created this course ( we added some other resources) as a high school level course with 3 of the kids in the co-op using this course for high school credit including our 10 year old. Well, he just turned 11 this week.

Here are the kids in our co-op showing off their new animals they just invented. As Adam was given the task of naming all the animals, we challenged the kids to create their own animal and then invent a name for their animal.

I wanted to make sure that the kids all understand that there are other views out there. So I added the Connect The Thoughts Ancient History course to add some worldview and secular views to the course.  Then we added the LDS Church's Institute Manual on the Old Testament to round it out with our Church's worldview.

Once a week the kids all go together to CHAA - Christian Homeschool Athletic Association - the kids call it SAINTS for short. Here they learn all the different sports and learn to play on teams and with other kids. They get to go for half a day or a full day. If you want a great PE program for your homeschoolers - you will love this program for your kids! Here is their website so you can sign up and find out where your park is located:  They even started a SAINTS program in Africa!

We have a lot of other great news to share along our homeschool journey. 

On another day of the week- we co-op together for Spanish, Music, Art, Math, Root Words and games. On that day- the kids get to go swimming for an hour and then eat lunch before we start the afternoon sessions. What a way to enjoy your lunch!!!

If you are thinking about pulling your kids out of public school this year- there is a ton of support for you here in Wellington Florida and the rest of South Florida. Florida is the second best state to homeschool your kids. You don't have to do testing if you don't want to. You can follow any curriculum you want to, even unschooling. Reach out to any of us homeschoolers- we are happy to help you learn more about homeschooling.

Another homeschool mom shared this saying with me that she found on a homeschooling blog:
"If you send your kids off to Caesars' schools, don't be surprised if they come home as Romans."

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